Product Information > JADE Initialization File Reference > Chapter 1 - JADE Initialization File > VersionFontColors


String, Real, Boolean, Integer, Integer

Correct default values


The VersionFontColors parameter specifies the font attributes and color of the version label and your application version on the splash screen. The value of <default> specifies that JADE uses what it recognizes as the correct default values.

The parameter values represent font‑name, font‑size, font‑bold, color1, and color2. A font-name value of Default indicates that the default system font is used and that the font-size and font-bold values are ignored.

The color1 value applies to the Release: label, and the color2 value applies to the label containing the version of JADE. For example, if you set this parameter to Arial, 12, true, 16777215, 255 and then start the JADE development environment, the Release: label is white, the label containing the version number is red, and both labels use the Arial 12 point bold font.

Parameter is read when …

The client node is next initialized.